[Development] Nominating Christian Ehrlicher and Andy Shaw as Qt SQL co-maintainers

Volker Hilsheimer volker.hilsheimer at qt.io
Mon Sep 26 09:11:23 CEST 2022


I would like to nominate Christian and Andy as co-maintainers for Qt SQL.

Mark Brand, who is currently listed as the maintainer of Qt SQL, hasn’t responded to any of my emails, including one from two weeks ago where I explicitly informed him that he will be removed as maintainer if he doesn’t respond (as per the recent addition to the governance model [1], I cc’ed Alex Blasche as a second maintainer in that email).

Christian and Andy have already agreed to take on the responsibility together. they both have a long history of working with the module, and as we support a number of SQL drivers in Qt it’s good to have more than one person looking after things.


[1] https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/meta/quips/+/423766

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