[Development] Failed to run configure.bat in qt/qt5 repository on Windows?

Haowei Hsu hwhsu1231 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 17:01:20 CEST 2023

Hello, Cristian.

There's something I'd like to confirm first. If I run *`configure.bat`*
adding either *`-submodules`* or *`-skip`*, for instance:

*..\..\configure.bat -release -developer-build -nomake examples -nomake
tests -- -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=D:/Repo/tmp/libclang

Then, when I later want to build the *`docs`* target, theoretically, would
it build
the documentation for *"all"* the submodules? In other words, if nothing is
specified, does *`configure.bat`* default to including all the submodules?

If so, since I want to build a complete Qt Documentation, should I add

Haowei Hsu
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