[Development] Failed to run configure.bat in qt/qt5 repository on Windows?

Alexandru Croitor alexandru.croitor at qt.io
Wed Aug 23 15:03:24 CEST 2023


Looking at the log, it appears that mingw's windres.exe can't handle spaces in paths passed to -I?

-I "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/14/include"

cc1.exe: fatal error: Files/PostgreSQL/14/include: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

In any case, you can work around it by either removing the postgresql installation, or configuring qt with -no-feature-sql-psql

Your full configure line would be

..\..\configure.bat -release -developer-build -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-feature-sql-psql -- -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=D:/Repo/tmp/libclang -DCMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH=C:/Strawberry/c

> On 23. Aug 2023, at 12:16, Haowei Hsu <hwhsu1231 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, Qt Development Team.
> This time, I followed what Kai and Thiago suggested:
>     • Kai: Or just clone Qt 6.2.4 (and other branches/tags) in a separate git checkout directory.
>     • Thiago: As suggested before, I recommend building all of qtbase first.
> I didn't initialize the submodules in the 'dev' branch. Instead, I run 'perl init-repository' after checking out to the '6.2.4' branch. 
> Therefore, the qt/qt5 repo would be clean as I expected. However, when building the 'qtbase' target, it turns out to fail.
> The following commands are what I run:
>     • chdir /d D:\Repo\tmp
>     • git clone https://github.com/qt/qt5.git qt-6.2.4
>     • chdir qt-6.2.4
>     • perl init-repository
>     • git status
>     • where gcc
>     • set PATH=D:\Repo\tmp\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
>     • where gcc
>     • gcc --version
>     • mkdir build\mingw-release && chdir build\mingw-release
>     • ..\..\configure.bat -release -developer-build -nomake examples -nomake tests -- -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=D:/Repo/tmp/libclang -DCMAKE_IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH=C:/Strawberry/c
>     • cmake --build . --parallel 4 --target qtbase (failed)
> You can see the attachment with the full log: log-failed-to-build-qtbase-in-the-clean-6.2.4-branch.txt
> So, what happened this time?
> ---
> Haowei Hsu
> <log-failed-to-build-qtbase-in-the-clean-6.2.4-branch.txt>-- 
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