[Development] QML Rectangle corner radius API for Qt 6.7

kde at privat.broulik.de kde at privat.broulik.de
Fri Dec 22 14:10:05 CET 2023


my biggest gripe is actually the fact that -1 denotes "no specific radius".

Right now if you assign a negative radius it will effectively clamp to zero, so you can easily assign radius: magicValue - otherValue without worrying about it doing weird things. Or use an animation on it.

With the new radius properties if you assign -2 it will complain and set it to zero, if you assign -1 it will reset to "global radius" and if you set it to 0 it will mean "explicitly no radius on this corner".

I've tried addressing this myself but Rectangle itself doesn't actually enforce any of this, it just forwards to simple rectangle node which also has this behavior baked in.

I believe only setting it to undefined (property RESET) should revert to global radius, not any magic number value.

FTR I filed this as https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-120188

Kai Uwe

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