[Development] Support for *Notes and UpstreamFiles fields in qt_attributions.json files

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Wed Feb 15 10:44:42 CET 2023

Kai Köhne (15 February 2023 08:50) replied:
> did you intentionally sent this off-list?

oops - no, outlook's UI tricked me :-(
And, in fact, it just did it again, although I'm sure I hit Reply All this time.
Manually adding development to CC...

For the benefit of everyone else, my reply is below, after the bit of
Kai's earlier mail, that I quoted:

>>> Anyhow, I wonder whether it wouldn't suffice to have _one_ comments
>>> field, instead of a dedicated UpstreamFiles field, and *Notes fields
>>> for every single entry. E.g.
>>> {
>>>   "Comments": [
>>>      "Upstream files were copied from:",
>>>      "   src/dir1, src/dir2",
>>>      "The license and copyright was derived from dist/LICENSE.txt"
>>>   ]
>>> }
>>> The benefit I see is that qtattributionsscanner (and any other JSON
>>> tool that might be used by others) has only to care about one
>>> additional field, not multiple ones.

Edward Welbourne (Tuesday, February 14, 2023 7:37 PM) had written:
>> I see the case for it, but it comes at the cost of all the comments being in one
>> place, not each comment next to the part of the content it relates to.
>> If someone is updating one of many data in an attribution and the comments
>> aren't close at hand, both the author of the change and the reviewers may fail
>> to notice the detail that the comment mentions that makes it obvious they're
>> doing something wrong.
>> That's not a fatal argument: each attribution is fairly short, so putting the
>> comments in the middle should make it easy to see them when looking at any
>> of the lines they relate to.  None the less, comments and documentation belong
>> close to the code they relate to ...

> Well, you can also achieve this by duplicating comment fields:
> {
>   "Comment": "Upstream files are src/x.cpp, include/y.h",
>   "Files": [ "x.cpp", "y_p.h"]
>   "Comment": "Copyright info is from dist/COPYING",
>   "Copyright": "Copyright (C) 2023 Joe Doe"
> }

The problem with that is that I was given to understand that duplicated
keys is actually malformed JSON - perhaps I misunderstood.  If that's
legitimate JSON, then I'm fine with just one.

> I just don't see the point of dedicated fields if the whole purpose is
> to ignore them in the tooling.

Well, there's more tooling to consider - someone, at least, has run a
JSON-validation checker on some qt_attributions.json files and submitted
patches to fix issues reported there (like line-breaks instead of \n;
and I think that's where I heard about duplicate keys being invalid) -
and in any case there are developers who need to read it, who may
benefit from the keys having names that makes clear which
tooling-relevant keys they relate to.


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