[Development] Relocated QUIPs (was Re: Behavior-changing bugfixes in patch-level releases)

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Wed Jul 12 14:50:04 CEST 2023

Volker Hilsheimer (12 July 2023 12:21) wrote (inter alia):
> The branch policy lives on http://quips-qt-io.herokuapp.com/quip-0016-branch-policy.html

which reminds me: that server is no longer maintained and shall sooner
or later be killed.  The current preferred URLs for QUIPs are on
qt-project.org; the one above becomes


and, if you're linking to one from our Wiki, the preferred form is to
use the QUIP template, in any of the following forms:

{{QUIP|16}} -- plain and simple "QUIP 16"
{{QUIP|16|Workflow}} -- link to section (2nd arg is fragment identifier) "Workflow"
{{QUIP|16||Branch Policy}} -- 3rd arg is link text "Branch Policy"
{{QUIP|16|Workflow|QUIP 16, Branch Policy: Workflow}} -- link to section, give full title.
Note: don't try to use a | in the link text, as Wiki-syntax will
interpret that as the separator starting yet another parameter to the


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