[Development] Behavior-changing bugfixes in patch-level releases
Arno Rehn
a.rehn at menlosystems.com
Thu Jul 13 07:53:20 CEST 2023
Am 13.07.2023 um 07:37 schrieb EXT Mitch Curtis:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Arno Rehn <a.rehn at menlosystems.com>
>> We have a vertical ListView which shows icon-only buttons. The buttons all
>> have the same width, but depending on the icon size and/or the style, that
>> width may differ. So we update the contentWidth of the ListView as soon as
>> the first button is loaded. Something like this:
>> [...]
>> Maybe we're doing this wrong; but I didn't find any other viable
>> way to have a ListView auto-determine the size in the
>> non-scrollable dimension based on its content.
> I'd recommend setting a size on the ListView that doesn't depend on
> the implicit size of the delegates; one that is calculated with
> TextMetrics, for example. The reason for this is that it's not always
> possible to know the size of every delegate at startup. While
> scrolling a view, delegates that are larger or smaller might be
> loaded.
> [...]
> So, this is definitely an area that could be improved, but the
> simplest and most performant solution will always be to set a
> pre-calculated size on the ListView.
Thanks for the very extensive answer! Definitely some things in there
that I'll dig into.
I know about the drawbacks of our approach of sizing the ListView; we
chose it only because we knew in advance that all our delegates have the
same size. The thing about implicitWidth being only correct after doing
text layout is a good point though; could happen with icons as well.
I still wouldn't have put this change in a patch-level release, but I
see that it's kind of a gray area.
Guess we'll have to read the release notes more closely next time :-)
Arno Rehn
Tel +49 89 189 166 0
Fax +49 89 189 166 111
a.rehn at menlosystems.com
Menlo Systems GmbH
Bunsenstrasse 5, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
Amtsgericht München HRB 138145
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Mei, Dr. Ronald Holzwarth
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