[Development] unable to use lupdate(qt tools) in yocto sdk due to incorrect paths

Jörg Bornemann joerg.bornemann at qt.io
Fri Jun 2 10:13:41 CEST 2023

On 5/30/23 16:50, arslan.ahmad--- via Development wrote:
> When running lupdate from a yocto sdk, I get the following error:
>     $ lupdate -pro example.pro
>     sh: 1: /usr/libexec/lupdate-pro: not found

Looks like you're somehow mixing a host Qt and a cross-compiled Qt?
lupdate assumes that lupdate-pro is located in the same host Qt that 
lupdate belongs to. That's why LibraryExecutables is used.

 > The same problem occurs again when it enters usr/libexec since there 
is a separate qt.conf

Why is there a separate qt.conf?

Jörg Bornemann | The Qt Company

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