Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 20:04:59 CEST 2023


I recently noted the CMake variables QT_SKIP_AUTO_PLUGIN_INCLUSION and QT_SKIP_AUTO_QML_PLUGIN_INCLUSION, which default to undefined.

If I understand correctly the CMake file for searching for plugins are there because:

- One needs to find them when doing a static build in order to add them to the final static object.
- One might use it to find the plugins and copy them when bundling applications.

Am I missing some other case here?

Turns out that both the above use cases make no sense in Qt distro builds like Debian, **especially** when compiling (in other words, they are not build time dependencies, just run time dependencies).

So I would __love__ to make those two variables enforced by qtbase itself. Granted, I could just patch out the required files in qtbase/cmake/ and check if the variable is defined. If it is, use it, else switch it to ON. But before going that route I would love to see if there is a more elegant, upstream-provided or upstream-guided way of doing it, like "send us a patch to do exactly that an we will take it". In this case please how I should achieve that, taking into account that I want this to be an opt-out, not an opt-in as currently is.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.
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