[Development] who can fix this bug?

Liang Qi Liang.Qi at qt.io
Thu Mar 2 13:46:16 CET 2023

Please report it in jira, https://bugreports.qt.io/ , if you think it's a real Qt bug.

Please provide a complete, minimal example with enough information about how to reproduce your issue according to https://wiki.qt.io/ReportingBugsInQt .

I have a machine with GT218 [GeForce 210] with 340.108 driver on Ubuntu 18.04 in office. I could have a check with 5.15 build next week.

Best regards,
From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Alexander Procenko <a.v.procenko at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 8:36 PM
To: development at qt-project.org <development at qt-project.org>
Subject: [Development] who can fix this bug?

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