[Development] Using qml.exe with a custom QML_ELEMENT plugin

Elias Steurer kelteseth at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 26 14:57:18 CEST 2023

I can confirm a simple:

     for (const QString &importPath : parser.values(importOption)){
         QByteArray path = qgetenv("PATH");
         QByteArray newPath = importPath.toLocal8Bit() + ";";
         newPath += path;
         qputenv("PATH", newPath);
         qDebug() << "Modified PATH:" << qgetenv("PATH");

did the trick. I will see if I will get to setup the tedious 
contribution process going. Should I create a feature issue for this? 
Then we could continue the discussion there.



On 25/10/2023 14:47, Ulf Hermann via Development wrote:
>> Adding a command line option to add dll search paths via 
>> _wpuntenv_s(L"PATH", ...) or SetDLLDirectory(L"...") into qml.exe 
>> would also work, right?
> I didn't know this exists. You'd have to add a lot of directories, 
> though, since it doesn't want to see the QML import path but the paths 
> to the individual modules I guess.
> If you have a solution in mind, feel free to push a change to 
> https://codereview.qt-project.org and add me as reviewer. It would be 
> nice to make this work.

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