[Development] Copying a struct the easy (perhaps too easy) way

Henry Skoglund henry at tungware.se
Sat Sep 16 01:41:34 CEST 2023

Hi, just got the need to copy a struct so I started doing it the hard 
way (i.e. member by member) but on a lark I tried a simple copy from 
*this, say like this:

struct S
     int i;
     QString s;
     QDate d;
     QStringList sl;

     S clone() { return *this; }

S a;
S b = a.clone();

it seems to work like a charm (6.5.2 on Linux and the Mac. 5.15.2 on 
Windows) but my question is if it's kosher?
I have bad memories from my MFC days in the previous century doing this 
simple cloning but maybe it's considered good code now...
Rgrds Henry

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