[Development] Cherry-pick bot outage 08/09 April

Daniel Smith daniel.smith at qt.io
Tue Apr 9 11:25:11 CEST 2024

Hi all,

Yesterday and today, 08/09 April, there were a few brief cherry-pick bot outages which caused the bot to not receive events about merging changes. Root cause for this issue is was introduction of nonstandard branch naming in a repo, causing a crash in pickbot's pick-order logic.

At this time, I believe pickbot's recovery scripts have identified all missed work and regenerated change-merged events for changes which merged during the outage periods. This will have the bot to perform the cherry-picks as usual, but please keep an eye out in your changes to make sure that merged changes over the last day have been cherry-picked as intended. If not, you can either cherry-pick to the target branch manually, or send me an email with the change that needs to be fed through the bot again.

Best regards,
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