[Development] Multiple QML engines with different import paths, file selectors, etc

Ulf Hermann ulf.hermann at qt.io
Tue Jan 9 10:49:56 CET 2024

So, to clarify this some more ... If:

1. you use _multiple_ QML engines in the same process at the same time, 
2. you have _different_ import paths, plugin paths, URL interceptors or 
network access managers for those engines,
3. you rely on those engines to produce _different results_ for the 
_same QML documents_ as a consequence,
4. this actually _works_,

please let me know more about your use case!

Using multiple engines A, B, ... sequentially where you only start 
accessing the type registry from engine B after engine A has been 
destructed does not count since engine A will clean up after itself.

 From my point of view, looking at the source code, such a scenario is 
rather unlikely since the global type registry should get in your way. 
However, if it exists, I will consider it in my refactoring.


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