[Development] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 09.01.2026

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Jan 10 06:21:15 CET 2024

Qt 6.6 status:

  *   Qt 6.6.2 preparations to be started
     *   Target is to start branching from '6.6' to '6.6.2' at the beginning of next week
     *   Target is to release Qt 6.6.2 by the end of January 2024
Qt 6.7 status:

  *   Qt 6.7 Beta1 released
  *   Target is to release Qt 6.7 Beta2 by mid January 2024
  *   Qt 6.7 API change review is ongoing, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-119952
  *   Updating 3rd party components to be started soon as well
Next meeting Tue 16th January 2024 16:00 CET
Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager
irc log below:
[17:00:14] <+jaheikki3> ablasche: Akseli: carewolf: frkleint: mapaaso: The-Compiler: thiago: vohi: ping
[17:00:20] <vohi> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:44] <Akseli> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:25] <+jaheikki3> Time to start qt release team meeting
[17:01:29] <+jaheikki3> on agenda today:
[17:01:32] <carewolf> pong
[17:01:33] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.6 status
[17:01:37] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.7 status
[17:01:47] <+jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:02:45] <+jaheikki3> Let's start from Qt 6.6 status:
[17:03:07] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.6.2 preparations to be started
[17:03:20] <+jaheikki3> Target is to start branching from '6.6' to '6.6.2' at the beginning of next week
[17:03:37] <+jaheikki3> and target is to release Qt 6.6.2 by the end of January 2024
[17:03:53] <+jaheikki3> that's all about 6.6 status at this time. Any comments or questions?
[17:05:23] <Akseli> sounds good
[17:05:26] <+jaheikki3> Ok, then Qt 6.7 status
[17:05:55] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.7 Beta1 released just before Christmas
[17:06:15] <+jaheikki3> The target is to release Qt 6.7 Beta2 by mid January 2024
[17:06:43] <+jaheikki3> Hoping beta2 can be done from next successful dependency update round
[17:06:57] <+jaheikki3> Qt 6.7 API change review is ongoing, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-119952
[17:07:10] <+jaheikki3> Please try to review open ones as soon as possible
[17:07:34] <+jaheikki3> 3rd party component update will be started soon as well
[17:08:11] <+jaheikki3> I think it is all about Qt 6.7 status at this time. Any comments or questions?
[17:10:26] <+jaheikki3> ok, it was all at this time so let's end this meeting now & have new one Tue 16th January at this same time.
[17:10:37] <+jaheikki3> thanks for your participation, bye!
[17:10:38] <vohi> okidoke, thanks jaheikki3
[17:10:53] <carewolf> bye
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