[Development] std::format support for Qt string types

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Thu Jun 6 19:08:52 CEST 2024

On Thursday 6 June 2024 08:07:31 GMT-7 Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development 
> I'm not following this. If I do
>   std::format("{} {}", utf8string, latin1string)
> what am I supposed to get out? A string which is a mix of two different
> encodings? I don't think that's ever possibly wanted.

Agreed and I noted this in the initial implementation by Ivan, which 
eventually led us here.

My opinion is that we should treat formatter-to-char as UTF-8 and therefore 
copy the UTF-8 string literally and transcode the Latin1 string (preferably, 
on the fly without temporary memory allocation, like we do for QStringBuilder).

> > Question here is how to deal with QString(View)?
> > 
> >   3a. Convert it to UTF-8, because that's the pre-existing behavior which
> >   
> >       should be known for the users.
> >   
> >   3b. Do not implement std::formatter<QString(View), char> at all and let
> >   
> >       the users explicitly convert QString to something else first.
> > 
> > Option 3b is inconvenient and defeats the purpose of std::format support
> > for Qt types, so I'd personally prefer 3a here.
> The concern I was quoting before is this: suppose that tomorrow we have
> a formatter for `const char16_t *` into char. This formatter does some
> kind of transcoding. Then QString(View) ought to do precisely the same!
> If we take a different decision now, we risk having compatibility
> problems down the line.
> Now, I don't really know if formatting char16_t is anywhere on SG16's
> radar in the short term, but that sounds definitely something to
> investigate and report about, in order to make a more informed decision.
> (Not to mention formatting _into_ char16_t, which would unlock something
> like QString::format to *create* a QString!)

Yup, I think we need to engage SG16 before continuing with this. We need 
char16_t to be enabled on the generic formatters, for one thing.

It might be that we're giving feedback 5 years too late, though.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Principal Engineer - Intel DCAI Fleet Engineering and Quality
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