[Development] QToolButton::checkStateSet missing in Linux source build of Qt5.15.13-gpl?

Dennis Luehring dl.soluz at gmx.net
Tue May 7 17:40:01 CEST 2024

i've build Qt5.15.13-gpl from source - done that for serveral versions
before without any problem
but for a less UI intensive application (im doing this source builds
only for silencing TSAN false-positives, normally using systems Qt libs)

build instructions i use:

cd ~/qt5_dev
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git
cd qt5
git checkout v5.15.13-lts-lgpl
perl init-repository
cd ..
mkdir qt5-build
cd qt5-build
../qt5/configure -debug -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests
-sanitize address -skip qtlocation -prefix
make -j$(nproc)
make install

using that build im getting a linker error that
QToolButton::checkStateSet is not defined

mold: error: undefined symbol: QToolButton::checkStateSet()
 >>> referenced by mocs_compilation.cpp
 >>>               ../bin/libgui.a(mocs_compilation.cpp.o)

searching for checkStateSet shows that only the widgets lib implements these

but nm shows no definition for QToolButton::checkStateSet in my self
build widgets lib

nm -C libQt5Widgets.so.5.15.13 | grep checkStateSet
00000000005617fe T QAbstractButton::checkStateSet()
0000000000597344 T QCheckBox::checkStateSet()

my systems widgets lib contains the definition?

/usr/lib64> nm -DC libQt5Widgets.so.5.15.13 | grep checkStateSet
000000000038eb40 T QToolButton::checkStateSet()
0000000000296a80 T QAbstractButton::checkStateSet()
00000000002a8170 T QCheckBox::checkStateSet()

any idea what im doing wrong?

my System:
latest SUSE Tumbleweed gcc 13.2.1, Qt5.15.13 as systems Qt version

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