[Development] What to do if tests hang on the CI and I can't reproduce that locally?

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Tue May 14 21:30:42 CEST 2024

On Tuesday 14 May 2024 12:13:29 GMT-7 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> #6  0x00007fe3fc6e93d8 in gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display () at
> /lib/x86_64- linux-gnu/libgdk-3.so.0

   773d3:       e8 58 7f fb ff          call   2f330 <XInternAtom at plt>
   773d8:       4c 89 e6                mov    %r12,%rsi

That would mean libgdk was loaded at base 0x7fe3fc672000

> #10 0x00007fe3fc6a8a99 in gdk_display_get_event () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> libgdk-3.so.0

Doing the reverse math would say this is 0x36a99, which is:
   36a93:       ff 95 c0 00 00 00       call   *0xc0(%rbp)
   36a99:       8b 73 30                mov    0x30(%rbx),%esi
and is inside gdk_display_get_event, so we're correct.

Therefore, the unknown frames:

> #7  0x00007fe3fc6ddc29 in  () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdk-3.so.0


> #8  0x00007fe3fc6df191 in  () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdk-3.so.0


> #9  0x00007fe3fc6e2d28 in  () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdk-3.so.0


Those may be inlines. If I try addr2line, then the frames are:
gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display at ??:?
gdk_x11_lookup_xdisplay at ??:?
gdk_x11_display_broadcast_startup_message at ??:?
gdk_x11_drag_context_get_type at ??:?
gdk_display_get_event at ??:?

File names and line numbers are missing in the Ubuntu packages.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Principal Engineer - Intel DCAI Fleet Engineering and Quality
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