[Development] Nominating Olivier de Cannière for approver rights

Alex Blasche alexander.blasche at qt.io
Tue Oct 1 12:46:03 CEST 2024

Congratulations to Olivier. Approver rights have been set.


From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Fabian Kosmale via Development <development at qt-project.org>
Sent: Friday, 9 August 2024 09:27
To: development at qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] Nominating Olivier de Cannière for approver rights


I would like to nominate Olivier de Cannière for approver rights for the
Qt project.

Olivier has been working on the Qt project since February 2023. His main
focus is on the QML compilation and linting story (qmlcachegen and
qmllint), but he has also worked on other parts of qtdeclarative as well
as Creator's QML tooling. He also actively participates in reviews for
those areas.

I fully trust his judgement in reviewing and approving changes.

Mandatory disclosure: I'm his manager at the Qt Company, and we share
the same office.

Here's his list of authored and reviewed changes:
- Authored changes:
- Reviewed changes:

Kind regards,

Fabian Kosmale
Manager R&D

The Qt Company GmbH
Erich-Thilo-Str. 10
D-12489 Berlin
fabian.kosmale at qt.io
+49 1638686070
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