[Development] format-like tr()

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Thu Oct 24 18:23:36 CEST 2024

On Thursday 24 October 2024 05:19:45 Pacific Daylight Time Giuseppe D'Angelo 
via Development wrote:
> > Btw, where does the “tr” go? Is it going to be tr(std::format(…)) or
> > std::vformat(tr(…))?
> > 
> > In the former, we’d have to pass the value twice (once for std::format
> > to substitute, once for tr() to pick the right translation; the benefit
> > is compile time checks.
> It can't be the former: tr() needs to see the string that got extracted 
> for translation, in order to look it up in the translation database; 
> it's not supposed to see what you get after you did arbitrary 
> replacements in it.

It could be vformat, but that's clumsy. We'll probably have a front-end like

 trFormat(std::format_string<Args...>, Args &&...)

> I'm not sure what you mean here. We could entertain a trFormat() 
> function that does the translation _and_ the formatting in one go, 
> basically as a generalization/replacement of tr("...", n).arg(x, y).

I think that's the idea.

> Since formatting for plain `int` is already taken, like you said, we 
> will have to wrap `n` into a custom type of ours, and this will give us 
> a lot of freedom in how to define the formatting options in a way that 
> the translator can understand which argument identifies the plural:

It can be a simple class enum.

namespace Qt {
    enum class Cardinality : qint64 {};

> > trFormat("{} bought {:N} apple(s)", user, QTrQuantity(n));

trFormat("{} bought {:N} apples(s)", user, Qt::Cardinality(n));

Name TBD of course.

> This form can do compile-time checks on the passed arguments.

Indeed and we can force the formatter for the cardinality type to require the 
"N" or "n" in the formatting string. So if the user forgets, they get a 
compilation error.

We may need something slightly more complex than one letter, because other 
types may also have "n" and it would confuse tooling.

This is what I'm more worried about: telling the string-extraction tools that 
don't really understand C++ that this is a string with plurals. I don't know 
if they need to: is it acceptable for the translator to simply supply 2-5 
different forms? Or does the tooling -- and this is both .ts/.qm and .po/.mo 
files -- need to know that multiple forms are possible? Will Linguist allow the 
translator to enter 2-5 different translations?

> > trFormat("{} bought {:N, the amount of apples purchased} apple(s)", user,
> > QTrQuantity(n));
> We could even support int-based formatting options for the quantity, but 
> I'm not really sure if that's necessary; has anyone ever requested the 
> quantity to be printed in another base, or with padding 0s or so? Of 
> course, we need to weigh the flexibility against the possibility that 
> someone modifies these padding options or comments without realizing 
> that that's changing the translation DB (!).

That goes back to the discussion on whether translators should be allowed to 
change the formatting options. For numbers, the one thing that may make sense 
to change is the L (locale) flag. I don't know how languages with different 
number formats usually do this, but do they prefer their native digits for 
some sentences and the Latin ones for some others (likely technical)?

> I completely agree with the idea that we should not diverge in any way 
> or form from std::format semantics, including possible extensions (like 
> f-strings, just proposed in https://wg21.link/p3412r0 ).

Which means analysing it now to see if it could be used for translatable 
strings in the future.

Because, as it is written, it isn't clear that it's useful. The paper shows a 
  basic_string_view<CharT> literal;
member, but is that for exposition only or is it going to be a publicly 
accessible member?

Also, we need to tell SG16 to stop focusing on wchar_t and instead work on 

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Principal Engineer - Intel DCAI Platform & System Engineering
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