[Development] Heads up: Deprecation of the Qt OPC UA QML API

Jannis Voelker jannis.voelker at basyskom.com
Wed Oct 30 13:05:48 CET 2024


The QML API of the Qt OPC UA module has been available for several years now but seems to have been mostly ignored in favor of the C++ API.

As it has never been extended to support the newer features of the C++ API, its tech preview marker was never removed and it often causes trouble
in the CI and with new Qt versions, we have decided to deprecate and eventually remove it from the Qt OPC UA module (most likely with Qt 7).

Are there objections or did we miss any important usages of the QML API?

Best regards,
Jannis Völker
Software Engineer

basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel: +49 6151 870 589 -0 | Fax: -199
jannis.voelker at basyskom.com<mailto:jannis.voelker at basyskom.com> | www.basyskom.com<http://www.basyskom.com/>

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 9352
Geschaeftsfuehrende Partner: Heike Ziegler, Alexander Sorg
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