[Development] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 07.01.2025

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Jan 8 07:26:33 CET 2025

Qt 6.8 status

  *   Qt 6.8.2 preparations to be started
     *   We will branch from '6.8' to '6.8.2' at the beginning of next week
     *   The target is to freeze the release content by the end of next week
     *   The target is to release Qt 6.8.2 23rd of January 2025

Qt 6.9 status

  *   Qt 6.9 Beta2 preparations are ongoing
     *   The target is to freeze the Beta2 content quite a soon; from the next successful dependency update round
     *   The target is to release Qt 6.9 Beta2 14th of January 2025
  *   Qt 6.9 API change review ongoing, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-132090
     *   The target is to add missing QML API reviews asap

Next meeting Tue 14th of January 2025 16:00 CET
Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

irc log below:
[17:00:46] <jaheikki3> ablasche: akseli: carewolf: frkleint: lars_: mapaaso_: The-Compiler: thiago: vohi[M]: ping
[17:01:25] <frkleint> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:58] <vohi[M]> jaheikki3: pong
[17:02:12] <akseli> jaheikki3: pong
[17:02:28] <jaheikki3> time to start qt release team meeting
[17:02:34] <jaheikki3> on agenda today:
[17:02:38] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.8 status
[17:02:49] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 status
[17:03:01] <jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:04:36] <jaheikki3> Let's start from Qt 6.8 status
[17:04:58] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.8.2 preparations will be started soon
[17:05:11] <jaheikki3> The target is to release Qt 6.8.2 23rd of January 2025
[17:05:26] <jaheikki3> so we should start branching from '6.8' to '6.8.2' at the beginning of next week
[17:05:44] <jaheikki3> and freeze the release content by the end of next week
[17:06:16] <thiago> (got disconnected)
[17:06:21] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:06:30] <carewolf> pong too
[17:06:41] <jaheikki3> that's all about Qt 6.8 status at this time, any comments or questions?
[17:07:55] <jaheikki3> then Qt 6.9 status
[17:08:14] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 Beta2 preparations are started
[17:08:28] <jaheikki3> The target is to release Qt 6.9 Beta2 14th of January 2025
[17:08:57] <jaheikki3> so we need to freeze the Beta2 content soon
[17:09:18] <jaheikki3> Most probably next successful dependency update round will be the beta2
[17:09:37] <vohi[M]> haven't caught up with the feature freeze exceptions yet, we wanted those to be completed by beta2 (which implies unfinished stuff needs to be taken out of 6.9).
[17:10:19] <carewolf> we are working on integrating the chromium update, but was a bit delayed by holidays, should be done by next week
[17:10:38] <thiago> the threading fixes are in, past 6.9 integration
[17:10:46] <thiago> I need to fix the conflicts for 6.8.2
[17:10:58] <thiago> will do that today
[17:11:18] <vohi[M]> the changes we discussed for feature freeze exceptions to ApplicationWindow (https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtdeclarative/+/605277) and ContextMenu (https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtdeclarative/+/554020) are in; the testlib exports are not yet merged (https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/610419)
[17:11:44] <jaheikki3> Yeah, was just checking the same
[17:12:41] <vohi[M]> so looks like we are almost all good; and the testlib stuff in https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/610419 is not public API anyway
[17:12:50] <vohi[M]> (stll also after exporting the symbols)
[17:12:54] <vohi[M]> s/stll/still/
[17:13:01] <vohi[M]> * (still \intenral also after exporting the symbols)
[17:13:25] <jaheikki3> Great
[17:14:52] <jaheikki3> QT 6.9 API review is ongoing, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-132090
[17:15:44] <jaheikki3> That's all about 6.9 status at this time, any comments or questions?
[17:16:41] <vohi[M]> any ETA on completing the QML API review for all modules with QML elements?
[17:16:44] <carewolf> I honestly believe there should be a qml api review for qquickwebengine https://codereview.qt-project.org/q/topic:%22qml_api_review_6.9%22 at least with three new settings.
[17:16:47] <vohi[M]> e.g. Multimedia has QML APIs but no review
[17:17:21] <jaheikki3> vohi[M]: script is running, let's hope final problems with it is finally solved :D
[17:18:13] <jaheikki3> I am really hoping to publish updates tomorrow. Both updates to existing ones and also missing ones
[17:19:02] <jaheikki3> Ok, let's then end this meeting now & have new one Tue 14th at this same time.
[17:19:12] <jaheikki3> Thanks for your participation, bye!
[17:19:18] <vohi[M]> okidoke, thanks. bye!
[17:19:22] <thiago> bye
[17:19:23] <frkleint> bye
[17:20:04] <carewolf> bye
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