[Development] QtCS 2024 session on deprecations: what did we actually agree on?

Schimkowitsch Robert Robert.Schimkowitsch at andritz.com
Wed Jan 15 10:46:34 CET 2025

If I may add a user's perspective to the discussion.
I know gift season is over, but here is what I (as a user) would ideally get:
1) Things get deprecated, including clear communicating when they are planned to be removed (e.g. "to be removed in Qt 7" or "to be removed in Qt 8")
2) There is always at least one X.Y-release between deprecating and removing. So if something is deprecated in the last version of Qt 6.x, it is removed in Qt 8, not Qt 7
3) This also gives me time, as a user, to study deprecations, and write a support ticket ("are you serious?") in the probably rare cases things would really break the world for me
4) Offering Compat modules is welcome where it is feasible

That said, I welcome improving APIs, so I (as a user) am ready to accept a moderate amount of pain. (Of course, you must, under no circumstances, ask the people responsible for our release schedule...)

Kind regards


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