[Development] Proposing to change https://wiki.qt.io/API_Design_Principles#Enums_in_classes to require scoped enums

Marc Mutz marc.mutz at qt.io
Fri Jan 17 22:52:04 CET 2025

On 17.01.25 16:52, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> Did anyone ever suggest or put pressure on the C++ standard committee to add
> strong unscoped enums?

Someone did:

// https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/69zWsoGP9
     enum class Strong { One, Two, Three };
  #ifdef __cpp_using_enum
     using enum Strong;
     inline constexpr auto One = Strong::One;
     inline constexpr auto Two = Strong::Two;
     inline constexpr auto Three = Strong::Three;
     use(One); use(Two); use(Three);

The ice for unscoped enums becomes _very_ thin.

Marc Mutz <marc.mutz at qt.io> (he/his)
Principal Software Engineer

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