[Development] Request: devcontainer feature for vscodeext

Alex Shaw alex.shaw.as at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 15:17:16 CET 2025

Not necessarily. The Feature (devcontainer-feature.json, install.sh, and
NOTES.md) could be part of the vscodeext repo and published to GitHub
Container Registry using the devcontainers cli or GitHub Action.
Or it could be in its own separate repository if you prefer, in which case
you would likely want to fork the feature-starter and make changes there.
It may also be possible to add it to the official devcontainers features
repo (see every folder under
https://github.com/devcontainers/features/tree/main/src), but I don't know
if they'd accept that.

Whatever the approach, once the Feature is published, projects would just
and then change `"./qt6": {}` to something like `"ghcr.io/ORG/USER/qt6:1":
{ "version": "6.8.1" }`

Here are some additional examples of devcontainer.json files:

The nice thing about devcontainers is that they provide a whole development
environment in the browser. In my case, I often use them so I can keep
working on my foldable phone whenever I'm on the bus.
There were a few previous attempts to get Qt working with devcontainers,
but I found they all required custom Docker images. Devcontainer Features
provide a way to avoid that by using shell scripts to install software in
the container.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 3:45 AM Joerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann at qt.io>

> On 1/27/25 18:07, Alex Shaw wrote:
> > Is anyone interested in seeing this officially added to Qt?
> That seems interesting. Do I understand correctly that the devcontainer
> spec [1] would go into a repo different from vsccodeext?
> And vscodeext would merely announce its existence?
> Cheers,
> Joerg
> [1]
> https://github.com/Symbitic/qt6-devcontainer/blob/main/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
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