[Development] The future of QProperty and QBindable

Schimkowitsch Robert Robert.Schimkowitsch at andritz.com
Fri Mar 7 10:48:39 CET 2025


I can only summarize your message in four letters: ARGH!
We widely use BINDABLE in Q_PROPERTY (>500 places) because it removes a lot of boilerplate from our C++ classes.

Compare code with BINDABLE:

// ***
Q_PROPERTY(qreal x BINDABLE getX READ default)

QBindable<qreal> getX() const
   return m_X; // Which is a QProperty<qreal>

// Code setting the property
m_X = newX;
// ***

Code without BINDABLE:
Q_PROPERTY(qreal x READ getX WRITE setX NOTIFY notifyXChanged)

qreal getX() const
   return m_X;

void setX(const qreal& arg)
   if (m_X == arg)
   m_X = arg;
   emit notifyXChanged();

// Code setting the property

I have never had any issues using BINDABLE. I have avoided using them in complex situations, true, but for the simple use case I outlined, they were just a major improvement over READ/WRITE/NOTIFY.

Please don't deprecate that!

Kind regards


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> On Behalf Of
> Ulf Hermann via Development
> Sent: Friday, 7 March 2025 10:15
> To: development at qt-project.org
> Subject: [Development] The future of QProperty and QBindable
> CAUTION: External email. Do not click on links or open attachments unless
> you know the sender and that the content is safe.
> Hi,
> We've had a discussion [1] about QProperty and QBindable during the last
> contributors' summit, but unfortunately didn't reach any conclusion.
> I'll summarize the most important part of the discussion here:
> "There is functionality to retrofit Q_PROPERTY with synthetic bindables."
> This may be surprising but bear with me. First, (belated) big thanks to Patrick
> Stewart for making this happen. The relevant API are the constructors for
> QBindable [2][3].
> Without integration with moc, Q_PROPERTY and QML, QProperty and
> QBindable would be fairly simple and self-contained pieces of code. They
> could be moved to a separate library, e.g. QtBindable and live there without
> hurting anyone.
> Conversely, the deep integration with moc, Q_PROPERTY and QML gives us a
> lot of headaches. If you use a QProperty to back a Q_PROPERTY you need to
> be extremely careful when writing getters and setter, so that you don't
> accidentally produce spurious dependencies. A classic example is a setter first
> comparing the value before setting it. You can't just do "if
> (someQProperty.value() == newValue)". You have to do
> "someProperty.valueBypassingBindings()". Furthermore, you need to call
> removeBindingUnlessInWrapper() at the right place so that any bindings to
> the property are broken when setting a new value (even if the value is the
> same). The complexity grows if you have properties that depend on each
> other or otherwise interact. In general, this is not something we can ask users
> to get right. We ourselves have produced a lot of bugs [4][5] when introducing
> bindables into the few places in Qt where we have them now. And we're not
> done fixing them [6]. Finally, the QBindingStorage member in QObjectData
> that makes all this possible, increases the size of every QObject by two
> pointers, no matter if it uses bindables or not.
> Let's take a step back here, though. The original idea of introducing QProperty
> and QBindable was twofold:
> 1. Offer a convenient C++ API for bindings.
> 2. Enable the Qt Quick Compiler to generate better C++ code for bindings.
> 1 can be achieved without deep integration into moc and Q_PROPERTY. An
> external adapter for Q_PROPERTY is generally enough to connect
> Q_PROPERTY with bindables. Granted, the result will probably be slower than
> a deeply integrated bindable, However, given the amount of optimization we
> needed to put in to get any visible performance edge for
> QProperty/QBindable over classic signal/slot connections at all, I expect the
> difference to be small.
> 2 turned out to be chimera. qmlsc can generate rather performant code for a
> binding using QProperty directly, but there are preconditions:
> a, The binding needs to be compilable in the first place.
> b, You need to use direct mode [7], which implies private API and accessible
> headers.
> c, The property written to has to be bindable.
> d, The properties read from have to be bindable.
> In practice, this rarely materializes. On the flip side, when not used directly
> like this, but rather through dynamically typed lookups inside QQmlEngine, or
> in the adaptor methods for AOT-compiled non-direct code, QProperty and
> QBindable do not offer a clear performance benefit over regular
> READ/WRITE/NOTIFY properties. They do, however, produce a lot of
> complexity. I'm currently working on the property-to-property binding we use
> to implement the interaction between models and delegates via required
> properties [8]. This thing requires four different implementations to cover all
> the permutations. And this is just one example.
> So here is my suggestion:
> 1, Deprecate the BINDABLE attribute to Q_PROPERTY. We probably can't have
> moc produce a warning about it right away, but we can already adapt the
> documentation.
> 2, Deprecate QObjectBindableProperty and friends.
> 3, Revert our own bindable Q_PROPERTYs to be backed by simple data
> members rather than QProperty again. Implement the public fooBindable()
> methods in terms of the Q_PROPERTY adaptors for QBindable and deprecate
> them. Drop all the BINDABLEs in private API.
> 4, Remove the integration with QProperty and QBindable in QML. QML will
> always use the READ/WRITE/NOTIFY methods again and ignore any
> 5, In Qt7, move the remaining QProperty and QBindable code into a separate
> library.
> This sounds easy, but there is a slight caveat: You can omit the change signal if
> you have a BINDABLE, and QML will currently still be able to listen to the
> property. I guess some projects are doing this. If QML were to completely
> ignore all bindables, it would not be able to get notified about those
> properties anymore. Therefore, both moc and the QML engine should warn
> about BINDABLEs without NOTIFY. Ideally, as a porting helper, moc could
> temporarily accept "NOTIFY default" to generate a notification signal from a
> bindable, but I don't know if we can pull this off. Only afterwards, maybe after
> two minor versions of Qt, we can remove bindable support from QML.
> I'm registering another session for the upcoming contributors' summit in May
> [9], but I would appreciate opinions already before.
> best regards,
> Ulf
> [1] https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fwiki.qt.i
> o%2fQtCS2024%5fQProperty&umid=35d287fd-0e81-445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-6261c88704c195a0c68cef2269fc03e2267eccb3
> [2] https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fdoc.qt.i
> o%2fqt%2d6%2fqbindable.html%23QBindable&umid=35d287fd-0e81-445e-
> ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-dc18a678cc0efc8bbdc3346b437989df05d2cda8
> [3] https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fdoc.qt.i
> o%2fqt%2d6%2fqbindable.html%23QBindable%2d1&umid=35d287fd-0e81-
> 445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-8754b18e4b022ca867b1d4cf68d79cd18dfc4e4d
> [4] https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fbugrepo
> rts.qt.io%2fbrowse%2fQTBUG%2d116211&umid=35d287fd-0e81-445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-e4396153f73799684c504b6e7fdb0e398b649373
> [5] https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fbugrepo
> rts.qt.io%2fbrowse%2fQTBUG%2d116345&umid=35d287fd-0e81-445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-39d69e213944d803c057df4839a800e7e98e54c8 and its sub-tasks [6]
> https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fcoderevi
> ew.qt%2dproject.org%2fc%2fqt%2fqtbase%2f%2b%2f611485&umid=35d287f
> d-0e81-445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-1b4de4276f5c1bb169b77f18eaddc95d84575194
> [7] https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fdoc.qt.i
> o%2fQt%2d6%2fqtqml%2dqml%2dscript%2dcompiler.html%23direct%2dmod
> e&umid=35d287fd-0e81-445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-b644331af91dda5de6015d0fd669e36eb00ebd62
> [8]
> https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fcode.qt.
> io%2fcgit%2fqt%2fqtdeclarative.git%2ftree%2fsrc%2fqml%2fqml%2fqqmlprop
> ertytopropertybinding.cpp&umid=35d287fd-0e81-445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-7a3dab56d6346285219eebef4e5439f5a6f9fe60
> [9] https://ddec1-0-en-
> ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fwiki.qt.i
> o%2fQt%5fContributor%5fSummit%5f2025%5f%2d%5fProgram&umid=35d28
> 7fd-0e81-445e-ac6b-
> b30fbfebfbf4&rct=1741339018&auth=c40ca16f35916d8a02f8c25adf579f293a
> 3f6a33-57e28a5c89de14afd6413832caa7a18de7706702
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