[Development] Why does QQuickImageProvider not support SVG images?

Schimkowitsch Robert Robert.Schimkowitsch at andritz.com
Fri Mar 14 09:33:00 CET 2025

Hi Shawn,

> FWIW QQuickImageProvider is for images: you can see from its API that it
> generates QImage or QPixmap or a texture.

I would argue that an SVG IS an image, see e.g. the definition from Wikipedia:
" A representation of the form of a person or object[...]"
So why should QQuickImageProvider not have a 'requestSvg'  function (naturally without size parameter)?

> An Image can render an SVG, but then you really
> generate a fixed-size image: you can set sourceSize, and then the SVG has to
> be re-rendered on the CPU each time.  It’s less efficient.

I do that currently and cache the pixmaps in their correct size. It's fine for most use cases, but small SVGs become really ugly when rendered with QSvgRenderer. I was hoping for better quality using VectorImage.

> But you are welcome to write up a bug to ask for some way of supplying an
> SVG to VectorImage from a memory buffer rather than a file.

Done in the meantime, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-134656 and https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-134666

> If you are generating the SVG on the fly anyway, maybe it’s better to generate
> a QPainterPath rather than serializing to SVG and getting Qt to deserialize it
> right away?

My use case is this: I take existing (potentially customer-provided) SVGs and modify them on the fly (colorization to match my current color scheme).
I know there is a mechanism to convert SVGs to QML files, this may be an alternative to look at, but it is a lot more complex to integrate.

Kind regards



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