[Interest] Unit testing: any best-practices tips ?

Bo Thorsen bo at fioniasoftware.dk
Tue Dec 13 18:29:24 CET 2011

Den 13-12-2011 15:32, Frans Klaver skrev:
>>      c) Is it possible to have multiple targets in one pro file ? (And if
>> >  so is this a Good Idea(TM)?)
> Can't remember, and usually not.

It is not only possible, but even my preferred method when using qmake.

I have a top level pro file that looks like this:

TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS += unittest application

In the application dir, I have the pro file that builds the real 
application. The unittest dir builds the unit test. (Well, doh!)

I still use .pri files for all the sub modules (model, ui, ...) and each 
of the two pro files include those. Usually, my pro file only include 
the main.cpp in the sources list and no headers. All source code is 
hidden away in modules that are shared between the app and the test.

Finally, the test has this qmake code:

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
}else {

This runs the unit test application after a build.

So I have the app project as the startup project, and the build process 
runs the unittest application. Perfect :)

Someone mentioned using cmake. That's great as well, and I use it 
whenever I'm on Visual Studio and not deploying on Symbian or Meego. On 
my website (http://www.fioniasoftware.dk) there is an example 
application with full unit test setup for cmake. I've been meaning to 
rewrite this to qmake code, but didn't find the time yet.

I hope this helps.

Bo Thorsen,
Fionia Software.


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