[Interest] QtPropertyBrowser and localization

Thomas Meyer public at meyer-thomas.com
Wed Dec 21 02:50:20 CET 2011

I'm confused with the QtPropertyBrowser and localization.

My system is:

MS Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (german),
Qt 4.8.0

Qt Creator 2.4.0,

Qt PropertyBrowser 2.6 (Qt-Solution)
MS Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.1 SP

First of all, is it true if I set the system property with LANG(EN)
then the QLocale::system change to it?

I have downloaded the QtPropertyBrowser framework:

I build it and run the extension example.
There is a PointF property  and I can change the Point X and Y values 
(both are double properties).
When I remove the system property LANG, I have as system properties 
(QLocale::system()) de_DE.
I restart the Qt Creator and run the example. Everything is ok, I have 
the german comma (displayed
and in the editor). But when I set the system property LANG with EN, 
restart the Qt Creator and the
example, I get the german comma again. A qDebug with QLocale::system() 
show me en_US.
Have I something doing wrong?
I searched in the source code of the propertybrowser and found in the class
propertymanager.cpp the function (about line 1056):



QString  QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const  QtProperty  *property)  const


     const  QtDoublePropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator  it  =  d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);

     if  (it  ==  d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())

         return  QString();

     return  QLocale::system().toString(it.value().val,  'f',  it.value().decimals);


My modification is:




QString  QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const  QtProperty  *property)  const


     const  QtDoublePropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator  it  =  d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);

     if  (it  ==  d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())

         return  QString();

     QLocale  l;

     qDebug()  <<  Q_FUNC_INFO  <<  "System:"  <<  QLocale::system().name();

     qDebug()  <<  Q_FUNC_INFO  <<  "System  country:"  <<  QLocale::countryToString(QLocale::system().country());

     qDebug()  <<  Q_FUNC_INFO  <<  "System  language:"  <<  QLocale::languageToString(QLocale::system().language());

     qDebug()  <<  Q_FUNC_INFO  <<  "l  (QLocale):"  <<  l.name();

     qDebug()  <<  Q_FUNC_INFO  <<  "Original  (System):"  <<  QLocale::system().toString(it.value().val,  'f',  it.value().decimals);
     qDebug()  <<  Q_FUNC_INFO  <<  "Return  (l):"  <<  l.toString(it.value().val,  'f',  it.value().decimals);

     return  l.toString(it.value().val,  'f',  it.value().decimals);

     //return  QLocale::system().toString(it.value().val,  'f',  it.value().decimals);


Application output:
class QString __thiscall QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const class QtProperty *) const System: "en_US"

class QString __thiscall QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const class 
QtProperty *) const System country: "UnitedStates"

class QString __thiscall QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const class 
QtProperty *) const System language: "English"

class QString __thiscall QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const class 
QtProperty *) const l (QLocale): "en_US"

class QString __thiscall QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const class 
QtProperty *) const Original (System): "2,50"

class QString __thiscall QtDoublePropertyManager::valueText(const class 
QtProperty *) const Return (l): "2,50"

I think there is a bug possible, because when I set no default locale (the system locale is valid)

I have the result described above (I get every time the german comma, but have en_US).

If I set in the main.cpp of the example a default locale 
my modification works, I get a decimal point.

The same behavior is in the function (line 2909):



QString  QtPointFPropertyManager::valueText(const  QtProperty  *property)  const


     const  QtPointFPropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator  it  =  d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);

     if  (it  ==  d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())

         return  QString();

     const  QPointF  v  =  it.value().val;

     const  int  dec  =   it.value().decimals;

     return  QString(tr("(%1,  %2)").arg(QString::number(v.x(),  'f',  dec))

                                  .arg(QString::number(v.y(),  'f',  dec)));


My modification:



     const  QtPointFPropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator  it  =  d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);

     if  (it  ==  d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())

         return  QString();

     const  QPointF  v  =  it.value().val;

     const  int  dec  =   it.value().decimals;

     QLocale  l;

     return  QString(tr("(%1,  %2)").arg(l.toString(v.x(),  'f',  dec))

                                  .arg(l.toString(v.y(),  'f',  dec)));

//     return  QString(tr("(%1,  %2)").arg(QString::number(v.x(),  'f',  dec))

//                                  .arg(QString::number(v.y(),  'f',  dec)));


Please have a look at the Qt Designer 
(...Qt\4.8.0\tools\shared\qtpropertybrowser\qtpropertymanager.cpp, line 
there is with the german comma something wrong too, I think.
But I want to wait for some answers here, before I make a new post for 
the Designer.

Thomas Meyer

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