[Interest] [Qt-interest] Any Qt wrapper to access Open-/LibreOffice ?

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Fri Dec 30 09:00:13 CET 2011

30.12.2011, 03:55, "Petric Frank" <pfrank at gmx.de>:
> Hello,
> At Thursday, 29. December 2011, 23:58:44 you wrote:
>>  On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Petric Frank <pfrank at gmx.de> wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>>  are there Qt wrapper classes to access Open-/LibreOffice via its UNO API
>>>  ?
>>>  I did some google and Qt forum/mailinglists searches, but found nothing.
>>>  Are there any pointers for me ?
>>  Do you want to access Open-/LibreOffice? Or do you want to manipulate
>>  ODF documents?
>>  If the former, you are out of luck.
> Not to manipulate ODF docs directly. I want to use the already installed LO/OO
> to do that for me.

That you'd better use Java binding.


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