[Interest] getting location data and/or GPS points using Qt

Sivan Greenberg sivan at omniqueue.com
Thu Nov 10 12:14:19 CET 2011

Hi All,

 I'm trying to beat the clock and be ready with my location based app
for Qt Innovation Challenge. I have a Django based GeoSpatial backedn,
and so I am now exploring the interaction points between the backend
and the handset app.

 What would be the way to retrieve the point of location from Qt ? Is
there a way to know under which SRID it is provided to be able to tell
this to the GeoDjango backend, so to later be able to do geographic
queries like distances on it? (To measure distances, one must convert
a geometry to a projected plane cordinate system otherwise, distances
are returned in degrees )

 Any help / suggestion / comment will be *highly* appreciated!

Many thanks in advance,

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