[Interest] (no subject)
Atlant Schmidt
aschmidt at dekaresearch.com
Mon Nov 21 15:57:52 CET 2011
> (Disadvantages for "internal" storage...)
> 4) It requires some CPU time to decode blobs.
Yes -- thank you for that addition!
Also, in further thinking, I thought of another
disadvantage for "external" storage. Depending on
how the links to the external data are represented,
it may be difficult to relocate the entire "package"
to another file system (e.g., on another user's
computer) or even within the same filesystem.
And it's also worth noting explicitly that the
mailing list is discussing a hybrid alternative:
A "zip" file (or other archive) that packs-up the
textual file as well as all of the external files.
-----Original Message-----
From: Konstantin Tokarev [mailto:annulen at yandex.ru]
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 09:35
To: Atlant Schmidt
Cc: 'Graham Labdon'; qt-interest at qt.nokia.com; interest at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Interest] (no subject)
21.11.2011, 18:32, "Atlant Schmidt" <aschmidt at dekaresearch.com>:
> Graham:
> I’m not sure I understand your question so let me try an answer
> and you can tell us whether that answer is germane to your
> question ;-).
> Essentially, there are two ways to store any non-textual
> data in association with a basically-textual document:
> o Internally – In this situation, you store the actual
> non-textual data within the text document. This almost
> always requires recoding it into a textual format that
> will fit within your text document. Base64 encoding is
> one very common method of doing this. The upside is
> that everything you (or your users) need is in one file;
> nothing gets lost or left behind if the file is transferred.
> The downsides are that 1) the file can grow large; 2) the
> file contains long runs of date that’s not-very-readable
> by humans; and 3) the user will need your tool to extract
> the embedded images (etc.).
4) It requires some CPU time to decode blobs.
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