[Interest] [Qt-interest] Fwd: Application crashes on Mac OS X when loading a pixmap
Harri Pasanen
harri at mpaja.com
Tue Nov 29 10:29:21 CET 2011
/Users/harri/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/configure -prefix
/Users/harri/Qt/4.7.2 -arch x86 -cocoa -no-qt3support -debug-and-release
-opensource -confirm-license
The patch is from before sandboxing, so it may not fully address all the
issues with that.
I did not come up with the patch, if I recall it's from some Qt bug
It's only 56 lines, so I attached it here, not sure what the mailing
list software does with attachments though...
Further, it requires the line:
in the beginning of main()
On 11/29/2011 10:01 AM, norulez at me.com wrote:
> Hi Harri,
> could you maybe post the commandline parameters with which you built your Qt and maybe you could also append the patch too?
> Is the patch for sandboxed apps?
> Firstly i thought that qrc is corrupt after signing, but I could also not load an image from the filesystem.
> Thanks in advance
> Best Regards
> Am 29.11.2011 um 09:53 schrieb Harri Pasanen<harri at mpaja.com>:
>> Wasn't png built in Qt as a static plugin?
>> Anyways, on Mac OS X 10.6.8 my Qt apps works fine with png, using a
>> patched 4.7.2 I built myself.
>> (Patches only address QSettings so that those comply with Mac App store
>> requirements.)
>> List of shared libs for plugins is the same for me as your list below.
>> So I have no idea why it is not working for you.
>> That said, you might want to try valgrind, http://valgrind.org/downloads/
>> The latest release appears to support Lion.
>> /Harri
>> On 11/29/2011 08:19 AM, norulez at me.com wrote:
>>> Are the Qt mailing lists dead?
>>> Best Regards
>>> Am 26.11.2011 um 00:42 schrieb norulez at me.com<mailto:norulez at me.com>:
>>>> The Qt versions I tried are:
>>>> Qt 4.7.0
>>>> Qt 4.7.4
>>>> Qt 4.8 rc
>>>> The operating system is Mac OS X Lion (10.7.2)
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> NoRulez
>>>> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:
>>>>> *Von:* norulez at me.com<mailto:norulez at me.com>
>>>>> *Datum:* 25. November 2011 23:30:01 MEZ
>>>>> *An:* Qt Interest MailingList<qt-interest at qt.nokia.com
>>>>> <mailto:qt-interest at qt.nokia.com>>, Qt Project MailingList
>>>>> <interest at qt-project.org<mailto:interest at qt-project.org>>
>>>>> *Betreff:* *[Qt-interest] Application crashes on Mac OS X when
>>>>> loading a pixmap*
>>>>> Hi @all,
>>>>> when i compile my app and prepare it for deploying, all is working fine.
>>>>> But after I use "codesign" and "productbuild" the signed application
>>>>> crashes when loading pixmaps.
>>>>> I doesn't found any png plugins for the mac. The plugins I found are:
>>>>> gif
>>>>> ico
>>>>> jpeg
>>>>> mng
>>>>> svg
>>>>> tiff
>>>>> Has anyone an idea how to solve this problem?
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> NoRulez
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