[Interest] Qt Creator 2.4.1 Designer plugin

Andrei Alvares logytech at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 21:08:24 CEST 2012

Hi Philippe,

  Thanks for your response. I'm working with Hugo and we found another
solution for our problem. I must confess that we didn't tested yours.

  We have built some custom widgets for Qt Designer (within Qt
Creator) to be easily accessed by the Designer widgets palette, but Qt
Creator 2.4.1 wasn't displaying them anymore. We were trying to load
our library from the
"$QT_CREATOR/lib/qcreator/plugins/YOUR_COMPANY_NAME/", but this path
uses Qt Creators Plugin Manager. Our plugin is not for Qt Creator but
for Qt Designer. All we needed is put the our library somewhere Qt
Designer Plugin Manager is able to find. We found that there are two
places where Qt Designer looks for plugins:

  1) The users home path (~/.designer/plugins);
  2) Qtcreator bin directory ($QT_CREATOR/bin/designer).

  Both places suited our purposes.
  Hope it helps,

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Philippe <philwave at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have run a similar problem with Qt Designer plugins, when switching from
> 4.8.0 to 4.8.1
> I could solve it by #defining QT_NO_DEBUG
> for my plugin projects (it's not exactly clear why actually, but that
> works).
> Philippe
> On Tue, 3 Apr 2012 11:14:51 -0300
> Hugo Drumond Jacob <hugo at jacob.eng.br> wrote:
> Hello All!
> I developed some widgets to use on my project, and, for productivity reasons
> I created a Qt Creator plugin to add my custom widgets to widgets palette of
> Qt Creator Designer. But, recently, I ported my widgets to Qt 4.8.0 and now
> I'm using Qt Creator 2.4.1, but, my plugin don't work any more. Qt Creator
> claims about inheriting of iPlugin.
> Some references like
> http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator-extending/first-plugin.html works fine,
> but, I don't need to add a menu to Qt Creator, and, a merge of this
> implementation and my plugin don't work!
> So, anyone can help me with Qt Creator 2.4.1 Designer plugin?
> Regards,
> Hugo Drumond Jacob
> Eng. de Controle e Automação - CREA-MG 143908/LP
> Mestrando em Modelagem Matemática e Computacional - CEFET/MG
> hugo at jacob.eng.br | hugodj at gmail.com
> +55(31)85244245
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