[Interest] Subclassing QStyledItemDelegate to implement multi-color text in a single QTableView cell/item?

Carl Schumann schumann at fnal.gov
Wed Apr 11 20:41:08 CEST 2012

Qt community,

I am trying to use Qt to replace an old program that uses multi-color 
text strings within a single spreadsheet cell in its user interface.   
With Qt 4.5 I had success by subclassing QStyledItemDelegate.   With Qt 
4.8 I found that the text did not appear entirely within cell and was 
cropped at the edges of the cell.   My kludge work around was to add 
rather aribitary constants to the position passed to the render member 
function.    Can anyone shed some light on what I am doing wrong here 
please?   Thanks for any help.

Carl Schumann

My paint method indirectly is as follows:
> void SheetModel::AclRow::paint( QPainter * painter, const 
> QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index, 
> SheetModelItemDelegate const * delegate ) const
> {
>     int column = index.column();
>     if( column == SheetModel::AclRow::COLUMN_COMMAND ){
>         painter->save();
>         QLabel text( "<font color=\"" + Colors.YELLOW.name() + "\">" + 
> ACL_PREFIX + "</font> <font color=\"" + Colors.CYAN.name() + "\">" + 
> this->command + "</font>" );
>         QPalette pal = text.palette();
>         pal.setColor(QPalette::Window, Colors.BLACK);
>         text.setPalette(pal);
>         text.setAutoFillBackground(true);
>         text.adjustSize();
> #define QT_4_8_0 1
> #if QT_4_8_0
>         int top_bottom = option.rect.bottom() + 4;
>         int left_right = option.rect.left() + 30;
>         QPoint render_at( left_right, top_bottom );
> #else
>         int top  = option.rect.top() + (option.rect.height() - 
> text.height()) / 2; // center text in cell vertically
>         int left = option.rect.left() + text.height() / 3; // indent a 
> third of the height - this is somewhat arbitary
>         QPoint render_at( left, top );
> #endif
>         painter->fillRect( option.rect, Colors.BLACK );
>         text.render( painter, render_at );
>         painter->restore();
>     } else {
>         // All other columns use the default behavior inherited from 
> the superclass
>         this->Row::paint( painter, option, index, delegate );
>     }
>     return;
> }

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