[Interest] thanks for extra reading suggestions - sorry to insult technical writers

Paul Floyd paulf at free.fr
Thu Apr 12 22:54:46 CEST 2012

On 12 Apr 2012, at 22:46, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:

> The truth is: the financial industry is dead simple compared to software 
> engineering: throw a little bit of primary school math like addition and 
> multiplication into the game, and you know how Interest Rate Swaps etc. 
> work. Add a little bit of statistics (being able to compute the average 
> already helps a lot) and you become an economist, and if you know about 
> standard deviation, heck, you're champ!

That's rather an exaggeration. The Black-Scholes equation is a PDE, which is a bit beyond the ken of most primary schoolchildren.


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