[Interest] thanks for extra reading suggestions - sorry to insult technical writers

R. Reucher rene.reucher at batcom-it.net
Fri Apr 13 17:16:05 CEST 2012

On Friday 13 April 2012 16:01:47 Atlant Schmidt wrote:
> René :
> > I don't think that a non-programmer will ever create something of decent
> > complexity and worth the comparison of what a "real" programmer could
> > build. It's the tools that may make your life easier, perhaps, but don't
> > confuse "creatitivy tools" with the deeper knowledge and understanding
> > that's required to - for instance - create a parallel program, a Linux
> > device driver, a Samba VFS plugin, a good and well performing front end
> > for whatever, a graphics tool / an image processor, a 3D game, an
> > emulator, a cluster framework, a database and so on...
>   Do you suppose assembly-language programmers once said the
>   same thing about programmers who used compilers? ;-)
Well, I did both, so I knew they were wrong :)!
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