[Interest] FW: Appending QTextEdit in the QWidget

BERAUD Alexandre aberaud at infflux.com
Tue Apr 17 14:15:07 CEST 2012

Maybe QGridLayout is what you are looking for. Maybe you should also 
consider using the modulo operator somewhere.



Le 17/04/2012 14:07, Sujan Dasmahapatra a écrit :
> Ignore my last mail it was incomplete.
> I want to append QTextEdit in the QWidget. QWidget has a specified 
> width and height. I want to append QTextEdit on the widget in such a 
> way that max 2 textedit should be there horizontally, after that 3^rd 
> textedit should be added vertically, means the widget should be split 
> into 2 halves and 3^rd textedit should append to the next row. 4^th 
> textedit should append to the 2^nd row 2^nd column. And so on.
> I dunno whether I am able to explain my problem or not. Please check 
> the code snippet below.
> CSheet::CSheet(QTabWidget *parent):QWidget(parent)
> {
>     tab = parent;
>     setGeometry(0, 0, tab->width(), tab->height());
>     layoutH = new  QHBoxLayout(this);
>     layoutH->setGeometry(QRect(0,0,width(),height()));
>     QTextEdit *wid1 = new QTextEdit(this);
>     QTextEdit *wid2 = new QTextEdit(this);
>     layoutH->addWidget(wid1);
>     layoutH->addWidget(wid2);
> }
> Now when I add a 3^rd widget in the layout it's adding horizontally, I 
> want it to come to the next row. And so on.
> Please help me how can I achieve this. Thanks Sujan
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Alexandre BERAUD
Ingénieur Développement

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