[Interest] Force QPainter color draw for SVG files?
mat //common mail
mat.common at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 16:49:11 CEST 2012
Another solution (without resource files):
#ifndef SVGICONS_H
#define SVGICONS_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QtSvg>
class SvgIcons
static QString GeneralSvgPart();
static QPixmap GeneratePixmap(int width, int height, QString
static QIcon Icon_Close(int width, int height, QColor color);
static QIcon Icon_PrintPreview(int width, int height, QColor color);
static QIcon Icon_Print(int width, int height, QColor color);
static QIcon Icon_Help(int width, int height, QColor color);
static QIcon Icon_Info(int width, int height, QColor color);
#endif // SVGICONS_H
#include "svgicons.h"
QString SvgIcons::GeneralSvgPart()
return QString(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" \
"<!-- Created with Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/) -->" \
"<svg" \
" xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\"" \
" xmlns:cc=\"http://creativecommons.org/ns#\"" \
" xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"" \
" xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"" \
" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"" \
" xmlns:sodipodi=\"http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd\""
" xmlns:inkscape=\"http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape\"" \
" width=\"24\"" \
" height=\"24\"" \
" id=\"svg2\"" \
" version=\"1.1\"" \
" inkscape:version=\"0.48.0 r9654\"" \
" sodipodi:docname=\"noname.svg\">" \
" <defs" \
" id=\"defs4\" />" \
" <sodipodi:namedview" \
" id=\"base\"" \
" pagecolor=\"#ffffff\"" \
" bordercolor=\"#646464\"" \
" borderopacity=\"1.0\"" \
" inkscape:pageopacity=\"0.0\"" \
" inkscape:pageshadow=\"2\"" \
" inkscape:zoom=\"16\"" \
" inkscape:cx=\"11.946628\"" \
" inkscape:cy=\"14.556665\"" \
" inkscape:document-units=\"px\"" \
" inkscape:current-layer=\"layer1\"" \
" showgrid=\"true\"" \
" inkscape:showpageshadow=\"false\"" \
" inkscape:window-width=\"1280\"" \
" inkscape:window-height=\"962\"" \
" inkscape:window-x=\"-8\"" \
" inkscape:window-y=\"-8\"" \
" inkscape:window-maximized=\"1\"" \
" inkscape:snap-nodes=\"false\">" \
" <inkscape:grid" \
" type=\"xygrid\"" \
" id=\"grid2999\" />" \
" </sodipodi:namedview>" \
" <metadata" \
" id=\"metadata7\">" \
" <rdf:RDF>" \
" <cc:Work" \
" rdf:about=\"\">" \
" <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>" \
" <dc:type" \
" rdf:resource=\"http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage\" />" \
" <dc:title />" \
" </cc:Work>" \
" </rdf:RDF>" \
" </metadata>"
" <g" \
" inkscape:label=\"Layer 1\"" \
" inkscape:groupmode=\"layer\"" \
" id=\"layer1\">");
QPixmap SvgIcons::GeneratePixmap(int width, int height, QString
QPixmap pixmap(width, height);
pixmap.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
QPainter painter(&pixmap);
QByteArray ba;
ba.append(GeneralSvgPart() + *lastSvgPart);
QSvgRenderer svgRenderer(ba);
return pixmap;
QIcon SvgIcons::Icon_Close(int width, int height, QColor color)
QString lastSvgPart = QString(
" <path" \
" d=\"m 1.5,1.5 21,21 m 0,-21 -21,21\"" \
" id=\"path2984\"" \
" inkscape:connector-curvature=\"0\"" \
" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccc\" />" \
" </g>" \
return QIcon( GeneratePixmap(width, height, &lastSvgPart) );
int btnsIconSize = 24; // 24x24
QColor btnsIconColor = QColor(102, 102, 102);
btnFile_Close = new QToolButton(panelButtons);
btnFile_Close->setIconSize(QSize(btnsIconSize, btnsIconSize));
//btnFile_Close->setIcon( QIcon(":/resources/images/close.svg") );
*btnFile_Close->setIcon( SvgIcons::Icon_Close(btnsIconSize, btnsIconSize,
btnsIconColor) );*
2012/4/15 jaume dominguez faus <jaume at land.aau.dk>
> Hi list.
> I guess the answer is "No". But maybe.... is it possible to force
> QPainter to paint only in, say "red", when I'm rendering a SVG that is
> black?
> Imagine that you have a set of symbols in SVG files similar to a font
> characters, and you want to paint them in different colors when they are
> selected. Is it possible to do it without making the "selected version"
> of each SVG file?
> Thanks.
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