[Interest] Contributor agreement rundown

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Wed Apr 18 09:28:38 CEST 2012

Op 18-4-2012 8:23, Donald Carr schreef:
> Any customer who buys their way out of the LGPL requirements of up
> streaming changes to Qt places a maintenance burden on themselves that
> they are fully entitled to and may well end up ruing. It is their
> baby, and the money they pay for said baby is one more copper coin
> keeping the organ monkey grinding. The "secret sauce" (diff) hording
> route contains enough pitfalls without the evangelical chorus stemming
> from RMS' pantaloons.
That sounds quite poetic, but is a bit hard to parse for a non-native 
speaker. I *think* I get the gist of it, but I'm not sure. Could you 
rephrase in a way that uses less colorfull language, please?


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