[Interest] Contributor agreement rundown

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 23:45:27 CEST 2012

Am 19.04.2012 um 22:38 schrieb "Scott Aron Bloom" <Scott.Bloom at onshorecs.com 

> ...
> On 19/04/12 23:16, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:
>> Am 19.04.2012 um 19:43 schrieb Nikos Chantziaras<realnc at gmail.com>:
>>> In my apps, I provide "OK/Apply/Cancel" buttons in dialogs with
>>> settings under KDE.  When running in Gnome however, all settings
>>> apply instantly ...
>> Yes, that makes sense to me.
> Applications should follow the human interface guidelines of the  
> systems
> they target.

I actually wrote that this use-case make sense to me (and that it  
would be useful to have that information exposed on which desktop your  
application is running).

I was just thinking out loud how many applications out there would go  
that extra-mile to provide such a (settings) dialog behaviour (and  
admire the love to the details Nikos put into his applications), and  
if there were many, maybe it would make sense to provide a "settings  
dialog framework" within Qt itself which would take care of that...

>> However I think there is really no standard shortcut for" fullscreen"
>> yet.
> There is a standard shortcut.


>  It described in the human interface
> guidelines of each platform.  You can google them.

As I wrote already, even Apple seems to be not sure what the standard  
should be on OS X: several applications by Apple use /different/  

I didn't bother to google it up, because I merely wanted to give a  
plausible explanation why there is no such QKeySequence defined as  
standard yet.

Another explanation might simply be because it was forgotten or no one  
asked for it yet.

Anyway, I'm just saying that this is clearly an example where Qt  
should - and does - handle platform-dependencies. And that's the  
functionality you should be using (or improving, in case of a missing  
common shortcut) instead of cooking your own solution ;)

>>> The Fullscreen shortcut for example needs to be "Ctrl+F11" in Gnome
>>> and "F11" or "Shift+Ctrl+F" in KDE.
>> F11 /or/ Shift+... there you go ;)
> I didn't get that.  What do you mean?

I meant that this is exactly an example that there seems to be no  
common agreement what the shortcut for "fullscreen" should be, even on  
the same platform.

> Anyway, you still think Qt should not tell applications in which DE  
> it's
> running because you disagree that apps need to adapt to different DEs,
> or that's it not useful to do so?

I never wrote that. I was asking for a use case where it would make  
sense to handle desktop-manager dependencies within your own  
application, instead of letting Qt handle it and Nikos provided a  
valid example.

> You didn't make that clear so I'm not
> sure what your reply is suggesting.

I'm suggesting to try to come up with a Qt solution (such as done for  
platform icons, order of buttons, native file dialogs, shortcuts,  
standard buttons, ... already) whenever possible. That's all.

I was never questioning the need to handle platform specialities.

> ---------------------
> In general, IMO this should be taken care of by the complex widgets
> themselves.

Exactly what I said.

> For instance, QDialogButtonBox should be dependent on the window
> manager.

I thought it was?

> And there should be a full screen key event that would be tied to the
> correct global shortcut.  The application can then ignore if it wants
> to.

My words.

> And you should be able to query the SysInfo for that information as
> well..

Doesn't harm. Just remember that Qt does a lot already, as outlined  
above :)

Cheers, Oliver

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