[Interest] [Development] Digia to acquire Qt from Nokia

Alex Malyushytskyy alexmalvtk at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 05:35:48 CEST 2012

The best news would be Nokia replace Windows with Qt in the future plans.

I feel better for Qt developers, cause they are going (if willing) to
get job in Digia.
If not counting that, it was already clear that somebody will take
over Qt and first candidate was Digia due to the fact they already
provided some commercial support.
Question is if their commercial base will be able to provide
sufficient financial support to keep Qt development at the same level
as Nokia could for long term.
Only time can answer this.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Ben Lau <xbenlau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah!!!!!! The best news for Qt in this year!

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