[Interest] Problem with setting font via stylesheet

Shriramana Sharma samjnaa at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 17:38:54 CEST 2012

Hello. In my app I need to put three plain textboxes in three tabs, so
I am doing the following. However I'm trying to set the font of the
textboxes via stylesheets but I seem to be doing something wrong --
can anyone help?



------- code -------

# include <QtGui/QApplication>
# include <QtGui/QPlainTextEdit>
# include <QtGui/QTabWidget>

int main ( int argc, char * argv [] )
	QApplication app ( argc, argv ) ;
	app . setStyleSheet ( "QPlainTextEdit { font : \"Gentium Basic\" }" ) ;
	QPlainTextEdit * myInput = new QPlainTextEdit ;
	QPlainTextEdit * stdOutput = new QPlainTextEdit ;
	stdOutput -> setReadOnly ( true ) ;
	QPlainTextEdit * stdError = new QPlainTextEdit ;
	stdError -> setReadOnly ( true ) ;
	QTabWidget * tabWidget = new QTabWidget ;
	tabWidget -> addTab ( myInput, "Input" ) ;
	tabWidget -> addTab ( stdOutput, "Output" ) ;
	tabWidget -> addTab ( stdError, "Errors" ) ;

	tabWidget -> show () ;
	return app . exec () ;

Shriramana Sharma

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