[Interest] QString operator==

Bo Thorsen bo at fioniasoftware.dk
Tue Aug 21 13:14:30 CEST 2012

Den 21-08-2012 13:09, Thomas Meyer skrev:
> Hi,
> I can't find the definition for
> ...
> booloperator==(constQString&s)const;
> ...
> in QString (.h, line 403, Qt v4.8.2 (MS Windows 7)).
> I only found it for QLatinString and QByteArray:
> (Where is the declaration for QByteArray?)
> ...
> inlineboolQByteArray::operator==(constQString&s)const
> {returnqStringComparisonHelper(s,constData());}
> ...
> Please can somebody help me?

It's in qstring.cpp:

bool QString::operator==(const QString &other) const
     if (d->size != other.d->size)
         return false;

     return qMemEquals(d->data, other.d->data, d->size);

Bo Thorsen,
Fionia Software.


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