[Interest] Scripting & Debugger

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Thu Aug 23 12:09:05 CEST 2012

On 23.08.2012 11:29, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> 22.08.2012, 23:24, "Peter Kümmel"<syntheticpp at gmx.net>:
>> I'm looking for a scripting language with a debugger.
>> Binding to C/C++ should be simple and the debugger should be embeddable.
> I'd recommended you to use Lua. It's very lightweight, very fast and easily embeddable.
> If your problem is performance sensitive, you can always migrate to LuaJIT which
> is even faster.
> It also contains built-in debug library [1]
> [1] http://lua-users.org/wiki/DebugLibraryTutorial

Yes, Lua would be perfect if there would be Qt based debugger.
But always when reconsidering Lua I end up with the conclusion
that I'll have to write a debugger.


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