[Interest] Project using QuaZip needs zlib headers

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Dec 6 08:47:25 CET 2012


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Tony Rietwyk <tony at rightsoft.com.au> wrote:
> I just incorporated the QuaZip project into my Qt 4.8.3 application which is
> built on Windows, Mac OS and Debian platforms.   quazip/zip.h refers to
> zlib.h.   In order to compile I have added this line to my .pro file:
> INCLUDEPATH += $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT/../src/3rdparty/zlib
> This seems quite a hack.  What is the correct way to resolve this reference?

It is a hack, in fact it'll make your project unbuildable for anybody
using a binary-only-qt (be it distribution packages or some other
source). So you have to consider zlib the same as QuaZip itself, i.e.
either integrate it into your project as you did with QuaZip or have
some configure script which finds a working zlib header and library to
link QuaZip against (or lets the user point to one) and setup the .pro
files accordingly.


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