[Interest] [gnutls-help] ANNOUNCE: Qt Certificate Addon
Richard Moore
rich at kde.org
Sat Dec 22 11:49:20 CET 2012
On 20 December 2012 15:14, Richard Moore <rich at kde.org> wrote:
>> I'd also miss key generation on smart card, but this may not be a
>> popular use-case for a first release. As I see the API it can easily
>> accommodate that in the future.
> Yes, it's totally feasible to add this in the future. At the moment I
> have no access to the relevant hardware so I'm not really in a
> position to look at it. I know at least one developer who's
> contributed to Qt recently has an interest in this area, so it might
> well be something that gets worked on.
Thinking some more about this, is there any hardware you could
recommend for testing this kind of thing? It seems that some of the
smart card devkits are actually quite cheap such as
http://www.smartcardfocus.com/shop/ilp/id~85/ACR38_SDK/p/index.shtml -
are they enough to try this with gnutls?
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