[Interest] 'Gtk theme support cannot be enabled due to functionality tests' Error

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Thu Feb 2 08:31:22 CET 2012

02.02.2012, 05:50, "Jeff Huber" <jhuber12 at maine.rr.com>:
> New to QT and C++ ........
> Compiled a new 64 bit 4.8 with Oracle and other DB support. That part
> worked great. But when I select the new build in Creator and compiled my
> application the app is really ugly – no GTK theme.

BTW, there other styles available out of the box - default "Windows-like" style
is not the prettiest of all.

> Can someone point me toward the missing requirements ?

Have you installed development packages for GTK? If you cannot build GTK
application, you won't be able to build GTK style.


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