[Interest] locale changes Qt 4.8.0
info at linos.es
Tue Feb 7 12:01:20 CET 2012
i had today a bit of time to look this problem in the bugtracker and it seems
that was caused by a fix to this bug
https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-1313 , clearly it is an improve
but my Arch Linux was using a LC_LOCATE=C, although i use LANG="es_ES.utf8"
after disable the C locate all it is working fine other time in Qt, thanks.
Miguel Angel.
El 19/01/12 12:16, Linos escribió:
> Hi,
> after upgrade i have noticed in my development machine that the detected
> displayFormat for dates have changed, my detected QLocale it's the same
> (Spain/Spanish), i have compared with previous versions and i get this:
> old:
> QDateEdit().displayFormat() -----> dd/MM/yy
> QLocale.system().dateFormat() -----> dddd d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy
> new 4.8.0:
> QDateEdit().displayFormat() -----> d MMM yyyy
> QLocale.system().dateFormat() -----> dddd, d MMMM yyyy
> This affect too the standard delegates widgets so it is a pretty big change (for
> worst) that i don't understand, i know that i can set the displayFormat for all
> my QDateEdit and QDateTimeEdit and put a delegate on all my date columns on
> views but i don't understand why this change, specially in editable QDateEdit
> using the abbreviated localized month name seems suboptimal for me.
> This is intended changes or a bug of some type?
> Regards,
> Miguel Ángel.
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