[Interest] QSqlRelationalModel and QDataWidgetMapper: can items in QComboBox be filtered?
Dmitry Teslenko
dteslenko at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 05:16:03 CET 2012
There's nice qt docs example here:
demonstrating QSqlRelationalTable, QDataWidgetMapper and QComboBox.
They setup model:
query.exec("create table person (id int primary key, "
"name varchar(20), address varchar(200), typeid int)");
query.exec("create table addresstype (id int, description varchar(20))");
model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);
typeIndex = model->fieldIndex("typeid");
QSqlRelation("addresstype", "id", "description"));
and then setup mapper:
QSqlTableModel *relModel = model->relationModel(typeIndex);
mapper = new QDataWidgetMapper(this);
mapper->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(this));
mapper->addMapping(nameEdit, model->fieldIndex("name"));
mapper->addMapping(addressEdit, model->fieldIndex("address"));
mapper->addMapping(typeComboBox, typeIndex);
Here's the question: is there a way to filter typeComboBox items while
editing a record? Say, on button click. User clicks button and theres
types with some property only in typeComboBox.
I've tried two things:
1) calling setFilter on relModel. This somehow "decouples" combobox
from mapper and no further updates from typeComboBox pass to model.
2) setting typeComboBox::setModel() to relModel wrapped in
QSortFilterProxyModel. This causes invalid values to assigned. Say,
I picked second item in filtered list and mapper assigned second
item in not filtered list to model.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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